Holy Mass LIVE
It all began in 2011 when Kristian Luces, Altar Server, thought that he should be recording the Mass to see the mistakes that Altar Servers made while serving. After seeing the potential of these video recordings, I thought of posting them for others to view. After presenting the idea to Fr. Derek Anton he gave permission to create social media pages for the Parish. There and then I created Facebook and Twitter Pages as well as a YouTube Channel to post the recordings of the Mass as well as the weekly Parish Notices and photos of Parish activities. The following year an Instagram account was created. Recordings of Parish Events and Feast Day Masses were posted on You Tube channel. In 2016, Facebook announced that they were releasing a live stream feature. I was elated when I heard the news. Around the same time an announcement was made of a major Parish Priest reshuffle. We received word that we will be losing Fr. Anton and gaining Three Priests – Msgr. Michael De Verteuil, Fr.Raymond Francis and Fr.Matthew Ragbir as well as being clustered with Toco and Coryal Parishes. I researched how the live stream feature will be workable. After doing this research I immediately bought a phone mount for my Tripod.
The first broadcast took place on August 31st 2016 which was Fr. Anton's Farewell Mass as Parish Priest. The entire Mass was not broadcasted but it was just the beginning. After this, followed the broadcasting of Harvest Mass, Christmas and New Years’ Masses. Major Feast and Solemnities were also live streamed.
In February 2017, Fr. Raymond launched a Month of Evangelization, a time for us as Catholics to come home to the Catholic Church. I saw it fit that the best way for him to evangelize is to broadcast the weekend masses on the Parish’s Facebook page. Initially the Live stream was only intended to be for Evangelization Month. Due to the overwhelming support by parishioners, locals, and former parishioners who live abroad it was decided to be continued.
As of March 2019, St. Francis of Assisi, Sangre Grande, is the only Catholic Parish that broadcast their Masses and other Parish events live. Within in a year we were able to improve our live stream from using a phone to using a video camera and an external microphone then further upgrade to using multiple Cameras angles and using a direct feed from the mic system. With the help of our benefactors such as yourselves we would be able to purchase the best quality equipment that we can afford.
Our Team

Communications Ministry Director: Kristian Luces 2011 - Present
Communications Ministry Coordinator: